Roy Friedman

I am a Hebrew University of Jerusalem Ph.D. candidate at Yair Weiss’ lab for computer vision.
I research generative models in computer vision, specifically how (and if) they can be used for tasks other than generating data. Currently I am also the TA for HUJI’s course on Bayesian Machine Learning, which Yair Weiss and I have built together.
Selected publications
- Control+Shift: Generating Controllable Distribution ShiftsECCV2024, Synthetic Data for Computer Vision Workshop 2024
- HIGlow: Conditional Normalizing Flows for High-Fidelity HI Map ModelingMachine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop, Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2022
- Posterior Sampling for Image Restoration using Explicit Patch PriorsarXiv preprint arXiv:2104.09895 2021